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Why choose us?

The reasons that you should contact us


Over 20 years of experience

Over the past 20 years, Qbrex International are known being one of the best branding service supplier in Iraq and Gcc countries, and we have some of the most experienced employees in the industry.

Our partners are the largest petrochemical groups in Asia and Europe. We organize direct supplies of a wide range in power plant, oil lubricants, and industrial chemicals, we provide certificates of quality and offer reasonable prices. We are granted exclusive rights to the sale of a number of products of such companies.


We have experts and Guaranteed Work.

Our customers are motor groups, petrochemical holdings, power plant and road concrete mixes and lots of companies from Iraq and near-abroad. All these companies entrust us the most important element of production, namely the delivery of high-quality raw materials.

We analyses your needs, select products, provide free samples for tests, help with the launch of the first production batch, if necessary, and then count the costs, sign the contract and deliver the order to the company. This integrated approach means that we are always close to you and are responsible for every stage of our co-operative work.


We are improving everyday

If one wants to remain an industry leader, is not enough just to sell, one needs to know everything about the product, to trend the modern development and to help the companies to improve. That’s why we constantly monitor the price changes on the raw materials market, familiarize with innovations in the field of chemical industry, organize seminars, workshops and meetings for producers and participate in targeted trade shows.

The employees of the company annually improve their skills by participating in corporate educational programs.


Successful Projects


Product Project


Happy Customer


Country Presence